Aesthetic Plastic And Hand Surgery Expert
Prof.Op.Dr. Ömer Şensöz
• About Ömer Şensöz • Scientific Works

Today, the varieties in the definition of “beauty” arise from the cultural differences between societies. But if one needs to come up with a common definition of “beauty”, this should be “the combination of a harmonious appearance, proportion and purity”.

By the help of modern Aesthetic Surgery, people can change physical features they feel uncomfortable with, in the light of their own preferences and the laws of science.

Individuals make more time for themselves as they become more affluent. So it is only natural that they would want to feel better, both mentally and physically. Unfortunately, these aspirations are quite often abused by ill-intentioned people.

In order to avoid such misjudgements, I would advise you to ask to see the doctor’s certificate and sample pictures of operations. The overall cleanliness of the clinic and the doctor’s attitude should also be assessed.